Participant Name *
    Email *
    Category *
    Company / University Name *
    Address *
    Tel. No. *
    Mobile No. *
    Designation *
    Office Tel Number *
    Office Address *
    Company Pan No. *
    Company GST No. *
    Select IGCW 2023 Convention *

    Please select ANY ONE Technical Session of your immediate interest and relevance on either OR both the days (7th / 8th Nov.).
    However, please note that you are free to attend 1-2 presentations of your choice from other concurrent Technical Sessions scheduled on the same day of your participation.

    Technical sessions 7th Nov 2023 *
    Technical sessions 8th Nov 2023 *
    Technical sessions 7th Nov 2023 *
    Technical sessions 8th Nov 2023 *

    Note :- Registering for Full Convention includes entry pass to attend the Inauguration & IGCW AWARDS Felicitation Evening 6th Nov
    2023 at 6 PM onwards, followed by networking dinner.